Saturday, November 29, 2008


Exercise is a big key for any ones life but especially a college students life. When you go from class to class then hang out in your dorm room after, there is not to much exercise being done. Many colleges provide students with shuttles and buses to get from one class to anther. Before getting on that bus just think to yourself how you can help yourself out and stay healthy.

By exercising even just that little bit you will are helping yourself out. By exercising you are reducing the stress , keeping yourself from gaining the freshman 15, and getting energize which allows you to concentrate better in class.

In the article they state that if you want to find other ways to get your exercising in instead of walking to class you can try taking study breaks. During these breaks you can go to the gym with a buddy or alone. Also, join an intramural team or get involved, this way you get to meet new people while having a fun time exercising.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Major Mental Health Problems Facing College Students

In the article Depression, suicide are the major health issues facing college students, by Neil Schoenherr there is a stunning discovery about the mental issues going on in a college students life. In this article it goes over how 1 in 3 college students have depression; and , of these students 1 in 4 contemplate suicide. This large amount of students with depression is said to be because students now have a lot more stress placed on them than ever before.

Issues start even going into college where students already are having these signs of depression or other mental disorders. Student are now more than ever having to compete for their place in the work field, therefore, compete to get into the most prestigious colleges and universities and being at the top of their classes. This is a very large stress for freshman especially because they are not use to how a college grades and may have been a straight A student in high school but are now receiving lower grades. As you read the article you will find that they also believe that September 11th also has a large impact on the depression of students. This is said to be because the sense of security is lacking.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Eating Disorders and College Students

In a study about eating disorders I found that a surprising 40% of female college students have eating disorders. Or is it surprising? Reportedly 91% of female college students attempt to diet. Also, 5%-20% o men are found to have eating disorders in college. It is surprising how many college students feel as though they have weight problems and need to lose weight.

Although eating disorders are present in people of all ages, it is said that the majority of people who develop a eating disorder do so in their college years. The common eating disorders for college students are anorexia, bulimia , and binge-eating.

Signs to look for with Anorexia are:

  1. An intense drive for thinness

  2. Avoiding situations where food is involved

  3. Developing rituals around preparing food

  4. Pronounced emotional changes, such as irritability , depression and anxiety

Signs of Bulimia:

  1. The frequent smell of vomit

  2. Frequent trips to the bathroom after meals

  3. excessive use of diuretics

  4. Going to the kitchen frequently when everyone is sleeping.

Signs of Binge-Eating:

  1. Eating in secret

  2. "Grazing" continuously without feeling satiated

  3. Eating when stressed or when feeling uncertain how to cope

If you see these signs with any person you may be the one to speak up and help them. Eating disorders are a growing problem among college students which needs direct attention. There are now places out there for people to go; there are people to talk to , family members can also help. Also, now instead of staying in a hospital there are rehab centers which are trained in helping people with eating disorders recover. Below is just one of many different rehabs which are used to help people of any age recover

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tired? Irritable? Sick? STRESSED?

Before you know it, the end of the semester is coming and finals are coming up. So many college students face stress everyday. The amount of work, number of classes, and just living away from home can cause a great amount of stress on any person. I know at school when I am stressed out I can make myself feel sick and am always tired. There are many different mental attributes that come with stress.

On the following link you can find out what stress can do to a person from making them fatigue, to causing illnesses to even increasing the possibilities of heart attacks.

Although it is easy to become stressed and there are dangers of being overly stressed there are also a bunch of different ways to deal with stress whether it is exercising, drinking, smoking, sleeping, or just crying. However, learning the healthy ways to deal with stress can make school a lot easier to complete.

On this website I found the top 10 healthy ways to deal with stress:
1.) Don't stress about being stressed
2.)Get some sleep
3.) Get some food
4.) Get some exercise
5.) Get some quiet time
6.)Get some social time
7.) Get some fun time
8.) Get some distance
9.) Get some help
10.) Get some perspective

I find that these are great ways to help deal with stress because it helps you emotionally and physically fix the problems a person may find difficult when in a stressful situation.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Colleges Promoting Smoking?

When going around campus I'm sure everyone has seen someone smoking. To me it feels like the majority of people at this college smoke. I feel that by the time you're in college everyone knows that there are THOUSANDS of chemicals in cigarettes; however, they continue to smoke. There are some who say it is difficult to quit smoking, but 27% of college smokers start during their college years. Is it that college students don't understand the consequences? Or is it that they just don't care?

When being off on your own you try different types of things. Smoking is one thing that many college students test out whether its cigars, cigarettes , illegal drugs, or the new cigarettes I see people smoking, blacks. As many people may know cigarettes are a stress reliever. So if you start smoking to reduce the stress from school, before you know it you may become addicted even if you didn't mean to. Smoking is very much addictive due to the amount of chemicals found in them.
"The college years are a time of transition in smoking behavior of young people because
many are experimenting with tobacco, others are starting to smoke regularly, and still others are trying to quit," said Nancy Rigotti, MD, Director of Tobacco Research and Treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School.

In a recent study at Harvard University, they found that 40% of students who are placed in smoke free living do not try smoking. However, only 27% of colleges do not provide students with smoke free dormitories even if they have a smoke free policy in public areas. Also, in this study they found that 40% of colleges do not provide students with the opportunity to quit smoking by providing them with programs to help. In the study they found that since college aged are the most targeted by tobacco companies , so colleges should help to provide more opportunities to help students quit.

The following links I found help understand the different affects on tobacco and what people are being told verses the reality of the drug.