Exercise is a big key for any ones life but especially a college students life. When you go from class to class then hang out in your dorm room after, there is not to much exercise being done. Many colleges provide students with shuttles and buses to get from one class to anther. Before getting on that bus just think to yourself how you can help yourself out and stay healthy.
By exercising even just that little bit you will are helping yourself out. By exercising you are reducing the stress , keeping yourself from gaining the freshman 15, and getting energize which allows you to concentrate better in class.
In the article they state that if you want to find other ways to get your exercising in instead of walking to class you can try taking study breaks. During these breaks you can go to the gym with a buddy or alone. Also, join an intramural team or get involved, this way you get to meet new people while having a fun time exercising.
Exercise during one's college years is especially important. After all, college students are typically provided with one or more gyms by their school at a reasonable fee. So why not take advantage of such an important commoditity? Many students participate in sports programs for their entire life, but choose to discontinue their sport(s) once in college. Therefore, exercise should be continued despite feeling as though you are obligated to do so to keep up with your sport. Exercise is also important during college years considering the fact that there are not always healthy food alternatives for students, with empty calories and unbalanced meals. Not to mention, continuing exercise while is college is a good way to develop positive lifestyle changes as well.
I love this blog, and your whole layout of living on campus. For me, this blog is very easy to relate to; I'm a junior and unfortunately I still live in a dorm building. Both freshman and sophomore year, I would go to the Ely gym almost daily, and I felt great! All the benefits you mentioned in your blog, I felt! Now, I never go! I say it every day I want to start going because I do, it's just the whole motivation and getting there part I need to work on.
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